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We understand how difficult experiencing a miscarriage can be and hope this information on what to expect during and after the process can help.

What to expect during and after miscarriage


Bleeding is to be expected after a miscarriage. Every woman will have a different amount of bleeding. Some will spot for a few days or a few weeks. Others will bleed, stop and then it will start again in several weeks. Some will have little to no bleeding at all. Others still will bleed like a period for a week or two and may even pass clots. If you have bleeding that continues to be heavy (soaking one pad per hour or passing several plum sized clots), you should call the office.

You should have a normal period for four to eight weeks after the completed miscarriage.


You may have mild cramping for two to seven days after the pregnancy tissue passes. You may take the medication given to you to help with the pain, such as Motrin and Tylenol. Heating pads and hot water bottles are also helpful.


If you develop a fever, it could be the sign of an infection. If your temperature is over 100.4°F two times in a row, you should call the office. A temperature of 99 to 100° F is not unusual and is not a cause of concern.

Breast changes

Breast tenderness associated with pregnancy will go away a few days after the miscarriage. A snug-fitting bra will help with the discomfort.


This should go away in a few days.

Feeling tired

Once the miscarriage is over, there is a sharp change in your hormones. You may feel tired or a little depressed for a few days. If you have symptoms of depression, please call the office. We can help.


You may go back to your usual activities, such as work, school, driving, as soon as you feel up to it. Do not do any heavy activity, including heavy exercise, swimming, lifting, horseback riding and jogging for several days. You should rest if you are bleeding more heavily than a period.

Vaginal intercourse/Sex

Do not have intercourse for at least one week after the bleeding has stopped and you have seen your physician for your check-up. There are two reasons for this. First, there is a risk of infection. Second, you could get pregnant again very soon after the miscarriage.


Do not have intercourse until you have seen your physician. Remember you can get pregnant soon after your miscarriage, even before you get your next period. Talk to your doctor about which birth control method is right for you.

Tampons or pads

Use pads during the miscarriage and with the bleeding that will follow. When you get your first period, you can use tampons if you prefer. Douching is never a good idea.